When there’s some tidbit of knowledge that
you know for sure, without knowing how you know, it’s called
claircognizance, or “clear knowing.” Maybe this has happened to you:
You’re arguing with a person about a topic that you’re only vaguely
familiar with, but something deep inside of you tells you a fact or two,
and you cling to this knowledge without having evidence to support it.
Your companion asks, “But how do you know?” And you have no retort other
than “I just know—that’s all.”
You’ve probably been called a “know-it-all” a few times in your life,
and this proclamation has a grain of truth to it. You do know a lot,
but you’re totally puzzled about how you came to own all this
Many great inventors, scientists, authors, futurists, and leaders
have used their gift of claircognizance to tap into the collective
unconscious and access new ideas and inspiration. Thomas Edison, for
instance, said, “All progress, all success, springs from thinking.” It’s
said that Edison and other great inventors meditated until they
received a brainstorm of inspiration and ideas.
The difference between someone who simply receives such information
and a person who also benefits from it is the ability to accept what’s
happening as being useful and special. So many claircognizants write off
their incoming transmissions as information that’s glaringly obvious to
others. Everyone knows this stuff, claircognizants will say to
themselves. Then, two years later, they find that the brilliant idea
they’d conceived has been carried out and marketed by another person.
So, the challenge for those who receive their Divine guidance as a
thought, idea, or revelation is to accept that this is a unique piece of
information that really could be the answer to their prayer.
Let’s say that you’ve been praying for Divine guidance to help you
leave your job and become self-employed. You then receive an idea for a
business that would help others, and this thought comes to you again and
again (two characteristics of true Divine guidance). Will you discount
it, thinking, Well, everyone dreams of self-employment, so obviously
this is pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking?
I’ve found that claircognizants benefit from spending time away from
the computer and office by getting a healthy dose of nature and fresh
air. Many thinking-oriented people lead work-centered lives, creating a
need for balance in the areas of physical fitness, playfulness, family
matters, spirituality, and relationships. Even focusing a little extra
time on these things can help a claircognizant feel more clear in
following ideas that are born of the Infinite Mind.
A key ingredient in tapping into that intellectual awareness is being
able to differentiate between when you’re using discernment versus when
you’re relying on judgment. There are key differences between these two
intellectual behaviors that can determine spiritual outcomes.
Let’s start with an example involving cigarette smoking. You’re
probably aware of the many studies linking this habit to various
diseases and health risks. Discernment would say, “I’m not attracted to
smoking or smokers. I don’t care for the smell of cigarettes or their
effects.” Judgment would say, “Smoking is bad. Smokers are bad.” Notice
the difference? One operates under the Law of Attraction, which simply
asks you to honor your personal preferences without labeling or
In a similar vein, when you’re unsure whether or not an idea is
Divinely guided, pay attention to your internal mechanisms of
discernment. The old adage “If in doubt, don’t” has a lot of wisdom to
it. Your inner computer knows if something is off or not. You might not
need to reject an entire idea, but you may have to rethink or revise
certain components of it.
True Divine claircognizance is repetitive and positive. It speaks of
ways in which you can improve your own life and the lives of others.
It’s service oriented, and while a certain idea may make you rich and
famous, that’s a side benefit and not the motivation behind the concept.
In fact, it’s usually these types of altruistic ideas that lead to
benefits for their inventors. Those who pursue self-serving ventures
often repel potential clients and customers, who sense the hollow values
behind an idea.
My publisher and mentor, Louise L. Hay, once told me that her
financial life finally healed when she began focusing on how she could
serve, rather than on what she could get. When I applied this same
principle to my own life, I found that it had remarkably curative
effects on my level of happiness, as well as on my career and income.
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